Consumer Report


I made a one time investment of $1,500 dollars and the secretary of defense found them to be a ponzi scheme and they where shut down. Please help!!! If your look up zeek rewards are rex venture group, you will find them!

Company: ZeekRewards.com
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
ZIP: 89128
Address: 7477 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Ste 17
Phone: 3362431123
Site: zeekrewards.com
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Rex Venture Group
Zeek Rewards.com, Zeekler.com All good till you wanna cash out, then Bye Bye

Rex Venture Group LLC
Rex Venture Group Zeek Rewards.com Cheat Money - Submit $2000 but Zeek only credit 1000! Cheated Company - Bad Customer Services

Rex Venture Group
Zeekrewards.com scammed by zeekrewards.com aka rex ventura group

Consumer Report

Zeek rewards.com
Consumer Report

Zeekrewards / Zeekle
Consumer Report

Zeek Rewards
Zeekle Zeek Rewards took my $3,500.00 check and closed down my account, I can't get any answers

Zeek Rewards
Consumer Report

Zeekrewards (Rex Venture Group LLC Account)
Consumer Report

Zeek Rewards
Zeek Buyer Beware