Raspberry Ultras
Consumer Report


Raspberry drop weight loss scam. They sent me a email saying my order was declined and I needed to authorize the transaction with my bank. I just reordered. After I was dumb and resubmitted my order I was looking for the website (which I got a link off of someone's Facebook) and Im praying my bank says no. The bank is closed so I can't call them. Ive transferred all the money out of my checking somim hoping it will just decline that way.

Company: Raspberry Ultras
Country: USA
Phone: 8888226343, 6504256803
Site: raspberryultradrops.com
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I Was Billed For Raspberry Ultimate Drops (Weight Loss) Which I Purc
Consumer Report

Raspberry Ketone Drops
This company hacks into Facebook accounts touting their products as miracles for weight loss. Not

Raspberry Ultra Drops
Consumer Report

Raspberry Ultra Drops
Consumer Report

Raspberry Ultra Drops
Consumer Report

Raspberry Ultra Drops
Consumer Report

Raspberry Ultra Drops
What matters!

Raspberry Ultra Drops
Consumer Report

Raspberry Ultra Drops
A good buy

Raspberry Ultra Drops
Life back