Consumer Report


I applied for this services at wed side for a month for $13.65 and I paid with credit card, one month later I still on this kind of services, well I checked my account and I saw they charged me for 6 months $81.93, intermediary I request my money back and they send me this information for applied for my money back, and I don't to use this side because I don't have the money to pay. They Want to give lower prices, but I already said no. Thanks, help me please they can give my money back.

Company: OurTime.com
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
ZIP: 75225
Address: P.O. Box 25458
Phone: 3236030188, 8777949511, 8667278920
Site: ourtime.com
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Ever private card
Everprivatecard did the same thing to me that they do to everyone going to my bank and takng out $49.95, and now i can't get my account back on the positive side ripoff

Continental Services
First, he said, this was citicard. And he said directly that I applied one online

Incom Lending Solutions
Consolidation loan, required 6 month deposit fee, never transferred money for my loan

Consumer Report

Platinum Services
Unauthorized Withdrawal

Wells Fargo
Manipulates checking account so fees are charged Minneapolis minnesota

Pm ourtime.com
Consumer Report

Edp Card Services
Edp Card Services applied for payday loan and my bank account was debited 159.95 without premission Ripoff

USA Credit
Didnt give proper information and wasnt able to get a hold of anyone in the company

Wealth Management Loan Services
Consumer Report