Consumer Report


I am the victim of a bad check scam. This supposed person hired me to watch her child. She sent me a bad check to make a purchase towards wheel chair, and cleaning services. I am responsible for the bad check bouncing, phony check

Company: 1-207-200-7514
Country: USA
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Frederick Branson was the name (probably phony) that he gave
Consumer Report

GM Works or ALTC
Consumer Report

Mita Ganesh
Check fraud using moneygram / western union by phony buyers for items you sell online

T.M.L. Services Corporation
Total scam! I received a check for $980.00 for a secret shopper assignment. It is a huge scam!

Kings Hawaiian Holding
Phony check

Check Solution Services
Consumer Report

Infiniti Research Inc
Thanks to consumer complaints... I did not try to make the transaction

Consumer Report

Jeffrey baldwin
Jamal baldwin BEWARE! CONTRACTORS OR CLEANING SERVICES Non-payment for material and services rendered. Mr Baldwin hired me for sedveral houtrs of small home repairs in Sept. 2010

Consumer Report