Frederick Branson was the name (probably phony) that he gave
Consumer Report


I put an add on Craigs list for a house to rent and got a response for this guy. Then he sent a check from his supposed company. His email is The check was for more than was needed so I was supposed to send back some of it. That, of course was interesting so before I did anything I had the check checked, just as I suspected, it was a scam.
They were also scamming whoever's name was on the check.
I did not acctually lose the money. I just never received it.

Company: Frederick Branson was the name (probably phony) that he gave
Country: USA
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Fredrick Bronson
Consumer Report

Susan Williams
"susan williams" Craigslist Scam Artist Internet

House Cleaners
Consumer Report

Daniel Spitz—TNY Designs and Marketing
Market Research scam—sent check for 2850—gave instructions about evaluating a western union for efficiency

American Mega Lottery
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Booth Survey/Evaluator Consultant
Possibly counterfeit check as a "mystery shopper"

Consumer Report

John M. Carosiello
Offered $20 more than asking for a craigs list item, sent bogas check for $2000 extra wanted me to "western union extra funds" back to him. Would have his "mover" pick up the item

Consumer Report