Evening Sky, LLC
Consumer Report


I ordered a free sample and it came in the mail with a price of 89 dollars and some odd cents. That is not all the next month i received the free sample in the mail with no cost except the 3$ that my CC was billed for. But wait yesterday october 2 i received another one with a price tag of 89$ and some odd cents, this one i sent back but today i noticed that my credit card was charged again. I called the number they have and they gave me a hard time to cancel they were trying to persued me with a discount and i have to almost scream at them and insolt them finaly i got a confermation number for my deactivating my account with them. Who knows, i guess i will find out next month...

Company: Evening Sky, LLC
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Lutz
ZIP: 33558-4839
Address: 18015 Sant Angelo Dr
Phone: 8559373871
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Consumer Report

Evening Sky, LLC
Consumer Report

Free trial - false advertising

"Free sample" apparently means "We will keep billing you even though you don't want us to!"

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RL Skincare
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Fraudulant Charges

Resveratrol Ultra
Free trail

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Revita La Peau
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