GroHair Shampoo & Conditioner Sold Thru
Consumer Report


I purchased GroHair products, shampoo, conditioner and vitamins, that were advertised on TV. I was talked into buying a larger quantity at a reduced price. These products were distributed thru When I received the box, I called the number on one of the bottles and left a message telling them that the liquids had leaked and noted how poorly packaged the products were. They should have been bubble wrapped and taped. I also emailed letting them know I wanted to return for a replacement. I never heard back from the company. I decided to start using the products and noticed I was losing hair strands and after the 3rd usage, my hair was coming out in hand fulls, felt like it was more like melting off my head. I called my credit card company and I am now disputing the charge. I have to either get a statement from my salon stylist telling of the damage or go see a DR. Plus send a copy of my invoice. I called the number on the bottle and the number had been disabled and the website no longer worked as well. When I talked to a rep with, she told me I had 14 days to return, so therefore there was nothing she could do for me. I ordered form a TV commercial, so therefore didn't know about the return policy. The lady I talked to made no mention of it. Actually, I did try to return the product due to the leakage as soon after I receive it. I don't know if GroHair company has gone out of business or not. When I told the lady at about their phone number and website not working, she said she would check into it and let me know. I ahven't heard back.

Company: GroHair Shampoo & Conditioner Sold Thru
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
ZIP: 80202
Address: 1550 Larimer St., #639
Phone: 8669184725
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