Consumer Report


I was contacted by an indivual (contact id was (personal information removed)) at first for purchasing a magazine i had listed on an auction website. They sent me a check drawn on m&t bank in d.C. Mailed from an individual in dakota. I proceeded to get everything ready to ship expecting to use the money for the cost of shipping. I thought the check would clear and so i thought i should just wait. Well i kept getting emails saying the check is going to clear and what has happended to their money. Please send the remainder of the money western union. I didn't wait for the check to clear. I have been in communication with the parties until last week when all communication ceased. The last emails referred to a cashier's check they were sending and they even apologized that the check didn't clear. I sent them my last email stating i am still waiting. That was the last time there was any communication with the party - (personal information removed)

Company: Muritala.
Country: USA
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Universal Tech Inc
Consumer Report

Precise Marketing
Ripoff, They scam good honest people with bad checks. Dishonest!

Michael Brewer or Albert Dominguez
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Mr Brown
Consumer Report

Lisa Albertin
Consumer Report

Robert A. Decker, Dha Services Company
Robert a. Decker, dha services company have tried to rip me off, sending me a check for $2200 whereas i had to take my part and the remainder send to the so called shipping company. The item cost was only $150 dollars. Beware of this fraudster seller

Ichard cook
Consumer Report

Gourmet Supply System - Vincent Eklund
Consumer Report