Consumer Report


Recieved an email this morning from a friend regarding (Home Revenue System) turns out HRS hacked into my friends private email account and sent that link what appeared to be on his behalf. Well i trusted it and payed $99.00 on my credit card. After googling this company i immediatley cancelled my credit card. I called the 1 800 number and some chick answered and said she would patch me through to the accounts department. I left a message and have not heard back yet today and probably never will. I ate $99.00 i guess. Its pretty bad when these parisites hack into people's private email addy's and send messages on what looks like your friends behalf. Pathetic and disturbing.

Country: USA
Phone: 8887027632
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Home Wealth Solution
This company hacked into the account of a trusted friend and sent me a message making it look like it had come from my friend, suggesting this product is an honest money maker and to buy into it. I as

Home Cash System
Consumer Report
Allow friends to purchase on your credit card
Consumer Report

Yahoo Mail
Hacked account

Fulfillment Center (010) Salt Lake City, Utah
Consumer Report

Home Profit We
Consumer Report

Home Wealth Solutions
Home income profit kit hacked my email account, sent all my contacts a scam link to there scam page using my name as if I sent the emails. Theft fraud lying stealing identity theft
Consumer Report

Canadian Health & Care Mall
Hacked my email & sent a link for their website (featuring male enhancement products) to everyone in my contacts list!