Evening Sky LLC
Consumer Report


An order was put in for $2.95 to try the product and they now have booked
me for 3 full priced orders without my permission. They have charged my visa for this price and now it has been paid and i do not know what to do. I am 56 years old and i am in a wheelchair. I tell you this because i have no transportation to go anywhere to try and stop these thieves. There are no cabs or busses out my way. I am not going to ask my children to help me with this because they will think i cant do things on my own and that i will not do!

Company: Evening Sky LLC
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Lutz
ZIP: 33558-4839
Address: 18015 Sant Angelo Dr
Phone: 8559373871
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Consumer Report

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Evening Sky, LLC
Consumer Report