Also known as every day values and buyers advantage. They stole money through bank bbva compass austin texas! Illegal access to my bank account


Class Action Suit MUST be filed! I will contact attorney and will return to this site to release name of attorney, if in fact ALL OF US VICTIMS WHO HAVE BEEN ROBBED by this company of which goes by different names as shown above. I will return to this site to explain my experience, and I am VERY PISSED OFF!!

Company: Affinion
Country: USA
Phone: 8663638258800553
  <     >  


BBVA Compass Bank
Bbva, compass bank, compass, compass fraud, compass scams, compass bank thieves

Bbva Compass Bank
Compass bank bbva compass bank is not to be trusted. A bunch of crooks at minimum

BBVA Compass Bank
BBVA Compass has illegally taken money out of my account. BBVA has been caught laundering money

BBVA Compass Bank
Consumer Report

Compass Bank
BBVA Compass Bank Removing Unfavorable Google Reviews!

Dell Computer Corp
Ripoff PA attorney has filed a class action suit against Dell

Bbva Compass Bank
Keith Watch out on how their process deposits and withdrawls

BBVA Compass Bank
Stealing deposits

BBVA Compas Bank
Froze my account WITHOUT giving me a notice or REASEN

BBVA Compass Bank
Not keeping their end of contract