Guaranty Shipping
Consumer Report


I been sending them money for about 6 mo. Now trying to get two trunks of money here just sent 550 the 7th of sept. They still want more and more. All western union, have all the proof, it is lily's money from nigeria also, thought she loved me and, i was going to get it and send some to her so her and her daughter could come here to live and start a new family with me and my son. Help please.

Company: Guaranty Shipping
Country: USA
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Western union
Delivers money to fradulent people without checking their ID in Nigeria

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Less money received of what i send

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They can not send my money and refuse to address the problem Winnipeg, Manitoba

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Ripoff Paid $1800 sent to my Dad to wrong person and refuses to refuses to refund my money ripoff

Unknown — The funds below include the Western Union and MoneyGram
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