This Company Took Money Out of My Checking Account And Now I Have
Consumer Report


Will i have to go on national television to expose them of how they steal people s, money. I want my money for sure. I have fax them at least twice and they say they never received it. They are full of the runaround. Please redeposit my money. My account was over drawn by you and cause me to have to pay an enormorous amount of fees...

Company: This Company Took Money Out of My Checking Account And Now I Have
Country: USA
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Rip off company - On National Television... Go figure

Momentum Direct
2 Days Slim Down They steal money from your checking account and don't send their product Ripoff

CCS - First National Card
CCS Aka First National Card ripoff of $200.00 on credit card for catalog purchases only. Took money out of my account prior to authorization

Ccs First National Card
Is a ripoff business that will steal your money. Las vegas

Huntington National Bank
Ripoff for cashing a check

US Bank
Ripped off my money

Savings 2 Go
Stealing from my checking account

777 save club
Unauthorized Charges

Safe National of America
This people at this company are scam artist. They withdrew 28.04 out of my checking account woithout my permission. When you call the number they say they will try to connect you, but no one comes on

National City