Consumer Report


I needed some quick cash to get my wheels back on the road so i fill out an app seemed legit it was a secure page and after i finished the process and my info was processed i was patched over to a spam site i know at that point i was had all my info was taken an sold i am getting spammed 24-7 on my phone email and text also a few days later my account was over drafted and i lost almost 85 bux so lesson learned never give any info online everyone is out to scam the poor if your reading this we all need to get together and get a lawyer to do something about this company posing as last resort help praying on desperation

Country: USA
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Negotiation center of america
Nca Ripped me off 5000 dollars. This company is a scam. They appear legit... But dont be fooled! Scam! Will charge $9.99/month for useless phone spam while not keeping your info secure~!

My Money Leaf
Consumer Report - Secure.
Just because it says (secure) don't count on it! They sell your info as you give it to them!

Janet Moore
Consumer Report
Not sure if all this is legit

My Cash Guardian
I just searched online looked at some loans put my info in so they could give me a rate that was all

EAA Inspections
Bob Parisi Obtaining info undr false pretense

Sandy Cruz
Consumer Report

My cash guardian
Took money out of my bank account without my ok, I did not give them permission and did not give then my bank info or apply to them