Negotiation center of america
Nca Ripped me off 5000 dollars. This company is a scam. They appear legit... But dont be fooled!

Business & Finance

I paid NCA $5000 to assist with loan modification because they guaranteed their work. At first it seemed like they were doing what they were supposed to be doing. They asked for my financial info, then they asked for more info, and so on.

I sent all info numerous times. Months would go by with no contact then suddenly they would require all financial docs again. At about 10 months into process they did it again, saying I must submit all financial docs within one week or I would not be eligible for mod.

At this point I was already suspecting foul play. I called my lender, who confirmed that they had been contacted by NCA, but had not had correspondence with them for several months, and that my loan was still eligible for mod.

I called NCA and they insisted that they needed this info immediately. When they didn't get it immediately they sent an email stating I had been dropped from mod program. When I asked for money back, they said it was my fault for not supplying the info in time.

It seems like a very well organized scam. They keep you busy by having you dig up records so you wont keep bugging them.

This took place in when I didn't know it was a crime to ask for money up front to assist with loan mod. I have since short sold this property and moved on, but learned a harsh lesson along the way.

Dont be fooled!!

Company: Negotiation center of america
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 3010 agua fria hwy
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