Great Poets Across America
Consumer Report


I submitted a poem for publication and paid the required amount by check # 231. Their promise was not completed. I did receive the two Lapel pins and a certificate but not the book. Very disappointing.

Company: Great Poets Across America
Country: USA
State: DC
City: Washington
ZIP: 20006
Address: 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue N. W., #555
Phone: 4357769339
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Great Poets Across America
Consumer Report

Great Poets Across America
Consumer Report

Poetry America
Ripoff! I submitted a poem along with a check for $47.75 and I was informed that I would receiveve a copy of the anthology within three months. The book was never received

American Poet Society
I submitted a poem alled"Cow Blues" They sent me a certificate saying my book was going to be published in a book for 25.00 They took the money out of my account in April. I talked to some one in
Int'l Society of Poets, Int'l Library of Poets Exaggerated praise of poetry ripoff submitted money plus for trophy, medal, plaque, membership and poem in published book scam 21117

American Poets Society, Gem Printing, Poetry America
Ripoff I paid for a book that my poem was to be in but it has never came, it has been at least 10 months now

American Poets Society
Ripoff sent in money for book of which a poem had been submitted to them and accepted never received the book so I'm out $47.75 Balimore, MD Maryland

Famous poet's society

American Poets Society
Ripoff, poem never published, book or plaque never received, cashed check in amt of $24.50 on june 23

Famous Poets Society