Great Poets Across America
Consumer Report


I received a letter from Great Poets Across America with a promise that i will be in a contest that will end on May 31st. I was to submit one of my poems to possibly be published in there book in June. I was also promised two lapel poetry pins along with a possibe prize from the so called 10,000 prize give away. I am yet to see any of this taking place. I finally had to realize that i have been scammed and i'm contacting the BBB tomorrow because i want money back now! I'm very disappointed. Lisa H.

Company: Great Poets Across America
Country: USA
State: DC
City: Washington
ZIP: 20006
Address: 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue N. W., #555
Phone: 4357769339
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International Society Of Poets - International Library Of Poets -, Poet Society Where Are My Poems?!

Famous Poets Society
Famous Poets Great Poems Of The Western World Lavendar Aurora Ripoff Tried to take advantage of my ambitions Wasn't even that brilliant of a scam
International Library Of Poets Misleading Amature Poets
Int'l Society of Poets, Int'l Library of Poets Exaggerated praise of poetry ripoff submitted money plus for trophy, medal, plaque, membership and poem in published book scam 21117
Scammed by telling me I won a membership into an exclusive poets society. They promised to send books, magazines etc. Sent checks, recieved nothing. Ripoff

Famous Poets, Famous Poets Society,
Free poetry contest they cheated me out of my own mothers money

Famous Poets Society
They charged me for a service and didn't produce the product

Great Poets Across America
Consumer Report

League Of American Poets
League of American Poets is a Scam -
Poetry I had submitted to is no longer there and I cannot contact anyone