Safety Pro aka Safety Plus, Inc
Safety Pro aka Safety Plus, Inc. Safey Pro. Is 100% a SCAM!


Safety Pro is a RIP-OFF.

PLAIN & SIMPLE... They are masking SAFETY PRODUCTS as the main money-maker.

Yet, the key to their success is

1) schedule multiple interviews
2) interviewing candidates
3) offer them an "opportunity"
4) collect the security fee

The goal is to hire as many people as possible in a month.
I knew office managers at Safety Plus to hire as many as 80-100 in a month at $75 per person for the 'Security Fee.'

In the late 80's (1989) to early 90's, the 'Office Mgr' received approximately $40 of the $75 fee.

BACKGROUND on Terry Herschberger
Terry Herschberger was, alledgedly, a carpenter from Indiana. At least that's what he said he did in his "I have arrived" speech and "you can, too."

In his MANY speeches as a "Regional Director" for then-named 'Safety Plus, Inc., ' he claims he, "... Saw a tiny ad in the classifieds labeled, 'OFFICE MANAGER WANTED, NO EXP NECESSARY.'

So, he answered the ad, as he paints this picture of bleek opportunities and closed doors with little to no education past high school under his belt.

He explains to the group how "EXCITED" he got when he saw the demonstration on how HALON 1211 works.

"The vapors, alone, are all that's needed to extinguish the fire, " he says with such inflection you feel as if you're back on the streets somewhere with someone selling SNAKE-OIL.

They teach you to put HALON 1211 into a small glass, put lighter fluid in a pie pan, light a match, throw it in the pan and ask the IMPORTANT question, "Now, how much of this do you think I need to extinguish that fire?"

Since there is a small amount of liquid nitrogen in the glass, it's the vapors that actually take away the oxygen, a crucial ingredient in the fire triangle.

So, when he tips the cup to a room full of "APPLICANTS/CANDIDATES, " they are all impressed that, "... Only the vapors are needed to put out the fire."

I was young and dumb and paid my then $75 'Security Fee.'

Sold my way up through their makeshift awards system; Silver PIN, GOLD PIN, PIN w/RUBYS, DIAMONDS, rings, etc each time you were asked to SELL MORE equipment for "residential & commercial use."

And, as they had stated on the phone when you call, "You must be prepared to pay for a 'SECURITY BACKGROUND CHECK' since you will be handling large sums of company money."

The STATE FIRE MARSHALL will be able to CONFIRM that you are NOT ALLOWED to dispense HALON 1211 for ANY REASON other than an actual fire.

Yet, as a 'Sales Rep' for Safety Pro and the aforementioned Safety Plus, Inc., you are asked to do at least 20-25 demonstrations per week in order to sell their products.

Certain there are EPA Laws being broken by Safety Pro just as Safety Plus, Inc. Had broken them years ago. The company started out in Lexington, KY under a Mr. Strauss and they continued to flee West.

I knew Terry when he was in Chicago.

I knew him when he was in California.

I knew his wife, Lisa, who was his secretary when he first arrived in California at an Office in Carson City, CA listed to another HUGE con-artist that went by the name Tom Pabin.

Terry also had a friend from OH, Dave Diullo, who claimed to be from Youngstown, OH. Rumor had it that Diullo had a run-in with the feds and could have possibly spent some jail time.

This company is a TOTAL SCAM!

I refused to take people's money for a Security Check that did not exist. So, I left the company shortly after being "promoted" to manage an office in Southern California. They knew I had family in Law Enforcement, so Terry himself bought me out of the money I put up for my office furniture.

The HALON 1211 Fire Extinguishers are extremely good products. They extinguish electrical fires, which can be well within walls, in a quick, efficient manner that causes little to no damage to property.

Yet, I would be hesitant to purchase anything with a plastic top and a way for the liquid nitrogen (which propels the Halon) to escape over time (certainly shorter than the 10 yr guarantee).

By then, Herschberger will be retired and onto the next scam.

It's unfortunate that Terry is still ripping off people under the guise that "everyone deserves an opportunity."

Yet, everyone comes to them as their last hope to get a job. ESPECIALLY today.

So, I can only imagine how many people are showing up at their offices with their last $60-75 they either borrowed or scrounged up to bring to this makeshift 'Job-Interview.'

Terry teaches the managers that "They have the money with them. It's up to you to get it from them."

Those that do join and sell are paid 100% commissions.

Plus, 20% of the total office monthly commissions go right back in the manager's pocket.

Earn you way to be an office Mgr and Herschberger has another clone to SCAM people out of their money, hire as many people as possible each and every month, dispense HALON 1211 into the air against the State Fire Marshall and EPA Laws and paint the picture that he is running a 'legit business."

By then, those fooled enough to stay in the system have far too much invested to turn back. Some like the easy scam.

Others, like me, realize quickly what the game is and LEAVE!

Call the State Fire Marshall. Call the EPA. Ask them if what they're doing at Safety Pro is acceptable under California and Federal Laws designed to protect the environment and you'll have your answers.

More importantly, LISTEN to someone who WAS THERE and witnessed these SAME people listed in an earlier complaint scam others and start the scam in California.

Concerned US Citizen
United States of America
Carson, CA

Company: Safety Pro aka Safety Plus, Inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: Corona
Address: 357 N. Sheridan Ste. 102, Corona, CA 92880
Phone: 9512730240
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Safety Pro aka Safety Plus, Inc
Safety Pro aka Safety Plus, Inc. Safey Pro. Is 100% a SCAM!

Safety Pro
Terry Hershberger - Lisa Hershberger - Nedra Bolden Fraud, Rip Off, $60 is to be split between the Manager and the company And Corona

Safety Pro, Inc
Terry hershberger, lisa hershberger, nedra bolden they told me that paid training was available and when i paid the $60 and asked for the resultso the background, nedra bolden claimed that my "record" which i don't have was forgiven

Priority One Safety
(Randy Schwartz) Employment Offer RIPOFF

Safety Pro Inc. Terry Hershberger
Safety Pro Inc., Terry Hershberger, President I was offered a so called management position with promises of a salary of $4,000 per month

Advanced Safety Solutions aka Unique Worldwide Services
Advanced Safety Solutions AKA Unique Worldwide Services ripoff, fraudulent practices, empty promises, repeat con artists

Danmer Shutters Inc
Fire retardant synthetic shutters

National Fire & Safety Inspection Company
Fraudulently claimed sent by the landlord to perform routine fire safety inspection service

Fire safety cigarette