Kim henriksen
Consumer Report


This woman has a web site for selling dog clothes... I returned the items and she got very abusive, using profanity, and threathening me... Paypal has credited my account and notified her. She is now emailing me calling me a rip off and a loser and is again swearing at me. I do not want this woman bothering any more. I have repeatedly asked her to stop. I just recieved yet another obsene email

Company: Kim henriksen
Country: USA
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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Spa Lady
Cancel contract

Honest Seller scammed by Paypal and Buyers Remorse Buyer.internet

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Atlas Construction Supply, abusive calls, profanity, harrassment

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B. David Mehmet
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This company billed me for returned clothes from Lane Bryant and Womanwithin. The clothes were sent back to the companies but I was told that the clothes were never received and that I had to pay fo

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Return Charges