Consumer Report


Google checkout car scam. Did not get me - but got very close. The scam is convincing, but a few things made me suspicious... Why I needed to Western Union cash to a guy in Tennessee? And the english grammer in the e-mails were slightly "off" - didn't seem to be written up to a standard of a company such as google. I can see how many people get fooled, it is very convincing... All I lost was trust, and my name, phone, address and e-mail.

Company: Unknown
Country: USA
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John Mark Dugan Purported US armed services sgt
Consumer Report

Google Checkout
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Google Checkout
Consumer Report

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Sgt John Duggan
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Google Checkout
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Lana A. Passaro [rxtjet2008@gmail.com]
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Julianne Crane
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Used Tractor Want Ads/mike_perskins@hotmail.com
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