Consumer Report


I was charged this amount from HomeCashPackage via Invision 08-31 22420613058. I was told by Jack Wilson and a man called Justin that they could not charge me until I signed a DocuSign Agreement which I never recieved nor much less signed. I told them during a recored message that I wanted to research their business before I would join. They both assured me that they could not charge me until I signed the DocuSign paper. I checked my bank account today and they did charge me for $1245.00 which is pending at this time. I am going to call the Fraud Dept. As soon as they open at 7A.M. If I have to I will retain a lawyer for this matter. If you can give me any input to this I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your tome

Company: HomeCashPackage
Country: USA
Phone: 8883452605
Site: homecashpackage.com
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Consumer Report

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