Consumer Report


I hope you read this and listen. I as many others have tryed this doing so the company took money from my acct then the third time they had no permission to do this thay took 89.97 out of my acct this time. I have turned this matter over to my bank which has filed a claim with the company. Living on a fixed income and money being taken from you. Well i had to take a small loan out at a cash place to cover myself the rest of the month. The patch did not work just so we have that part clear! The thing about this is it took them sec to take my money! My bank is maken them return the money but thay have thirty days to do so. Iam guessing i was lucky to have my bank step in and collect this but on the other hand not so lucky do you have any idea how much it cost a person to take out a small loan just because some jerk off company wants to make a trillion dollars off people who need to loose some extra pounds. DietPatch will take it right out of your ass. The most intresting part is when i called {very upset} the lady tryed to get me to take the order any way while iam saying no thank you. The company went as far as to go down in price of 9.99 so why would they do this to keep my money and the 89.97 they say a valued customer i say they think all people needing to loose weight are stuck on stupid so in turn thay treat us as stupid people what the company fails to realize is we are just over weight not stupid people who want to give DietPatch there money. Please do not order from this company if you really feel the need to give money away give to the needy you will feel better about yourself than DietPatch will ever make you feel! With great respect to all who have to deal with companys who promise one thing and give somthing totaly different!

Company: Dietpatch
Country: USA
Phone: 8777735152
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Consumer Report

They say you lose weight i did not. Before you buy dietpatch call # and see what kind of service you get?


They claimed I could lose 10 pounds in one week using their products

DietPatch Scam Advertising

Ripoff Internet

Diet Patch DietPatch is an internet company that advertises on Goggle and Facebook and is a RIPOFF Internet

I had order the patch thinking that it was a free trail and all i had to do is pay shipping and handleing well 14 days later my bank was 89.97 short which made my rent late and i had an over draft fee

DietPatch CureColon
Consumer Report

CureColon DietPatch
Consumer Report