Diet Patch DietPatch is an internet company that advertises on Goggle and Facebook and is a RIPOFF Internet

Health & Medicine

DietPatch was advertised to me on Facebook. When I clicked to look DietPAtch advertised a thrity day free trial for $4.95. When I went to leave the page they lowered their price to $1.95. When I accepted they charged my debit card that day.

The trial sample I was sent was for 30 days, however 14 days later they charged my debit card for $89.97. They forced the debit through and it cost me another $28.00.

I called the phone number on my debit transaction (877-773-5152) and got customer service. I explained to Ted (the non customer service representative) our situation and requested that he return my money and cancel my account.
After reading me the terms of agreement he indicated that he would not refund my purchase price but that he could refund 35%. I told him that was not acceptable and that I would be reporting his company to the Arizona Attorney

When I asked to speak to a manager, Ted (the non customer service representative) said he was the manager. I told Ted that his company was an internet rip off company. Ted said his company was not a rip off and also said that he worked for a third party call center. When I asked for the name of Teds company he would not tell me the name of the call center company that he worked for.

I do not think I will see my 35% refund as I am convinced that this company is a sham setup to rip off unsuspecting internet users.

I hope this review will saves other from losing almost $100 ($89.97).

Company: Diet Patch
Country: USA
Address: DIETPATCH 877-7735152 AZ 933134
Phone: 8777735152
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DietPatch Scam Advertising

Consumer Report

The Original Diet is a MAJOR rip-off Gave me guarrantee for refund Paid $166.95 and will not respond to request for refund

The Original Diet Patch - Dietpatch Bt-ltd-ABP
Dietpatch Bt-ltd-ABP The Original Diet Patch rip-off! Nonexisting company! Panama, Central America

DietPatch Today
Consumer Report

They say you lose weight i did not. Before you buy dietpatch call # and see what kind of service you get?

Ordered Diet Patch for trial after 10-days i was dizzy&light headed saw my DR.& he advised me to stop using the Diet Patch

Ripoff Internet

Consumer Report

I had order the patch thinking that it was a free trail and all i had to do is pay shipping and handleing well 14 days later my bank was 89.97 short which made my rent late and i had an over draft fee