Signet Financial Group, Ltd
Consumer Report


I was scammed along with hundreds of other people... Paid for an extended warranty and if I did not use it, I would get my Money back. Wrote them a letter when my 60 months were up and the letter came back 'Return to sender' Cannot Forward. I will be willing to join anyone in a class action lawsuit. I guess we all 'Live and Learn'

Company: Signet Financial Group, Ltd
Country: USA
State: BC
City: Vancouver
Address: 475 Howe Street, Suite 1002
Phone: 6046829505
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Signet Financial Group
Signet Financial Group extended warranty refund

Signet Financial Group
No refund on service contract

Signet Financial Group
Out my Refund

Signet Financial Group, Ltd
Consumer Report

Signet Financial Group
Gregg Lehman, President of Signet Financial Will not refund our purchase price for warranty, no one answers phone and they wont pick up their mail

Signet Financial Group
Signet Financial Group fails to refund $2335 as promised in my contract with them

Signet Financial Group
Fails to Refund as Promised

Signet Financial Group, Ltd
Consumer Report

Signet Financial Warranty
SFG warranty refund

Signet Financial Group
Bilked out of $1445.00 by signet