Brand Wayne
Consumer Report


They posted an add on Craigslist for a web designer. I sent samples of sites I created. They replied, stating I was the designer they were looking for. They indicated they would pay 650 a week for me to design and manage a Wordpress-based website for a racing game that they had developed.

I indicated I would like to speak with him on the phone, but that request was simply ignored.

They wanted my address and name to write on the certified check. They wanted to pay up front, but for me to buy the domain and website address for them.

The ignored all requests for phone conversation or any identifying info. About who they are.

Who sends a certified check, without any contract, conversation, or anything for a project like this. This has SCAM written all over it!!!

Company: Brand Wayne
Country: USA
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Brand Wayne
Consumer Report

Leo Sanchez
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John Evano
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Terrible Service, Poor Quality, Stay Clear!

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Web Designs and Hosting
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GHH commerce
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P. Scott Lowery, P.C., CACV Of Colorado, LLC
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Steve from dswtechnologies in india. The designer steve commited fraud claiming that he was a designer when in fact he was using other peoples work & templates. When we clearly asked for a custom job. We asked him to just end the project india

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