Colon Cleanse
Consumer Report


They offer a 15 day free trial and you pay shipping costs of $2.95 or $4.95. The recommended dosage is 2 capsules per day so when you see "30" on the bottle, you don't realize that they have sent you more than you asked for. They say you can cancel within the 15 days; however, your 15-day trial begins the day you place the order and not the day you get the shipment (and yes, they ship with delivery confirmation so they know when you get the product! Tell me how you get a 15 day trial out of that one!) Anyway, when you then try to cancel within the 15 days, they hit your card for the shipment and tell you that you didn't cancel in time and now you owe them for the entire month's supply of PLACEBOs they sent you. Ripoff!

Company: Colon Cleanse
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Grandville
ZIP: 49418
Address: 2885 Sanford Ave, #17676
Phone: 8006045067
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Lipo Slender/Natural Cleanse
Consumer Report

Colon Cleanse By Life Fit Labs
30 Day trial is not a trial

Pure Nutrients
Nature Cleanse 30-day trial is a scam Orange Connecticut

Avesil Weight Loss
Trial Offe

Acai Berry and Advanced Cleanse
Advanced Colon Free TRial is not free-must pay $200 and get $100 back

Ordered the free trial. Tried to call to cancel, line out of order, they sent me 2 orders and charged my creditcard $89.90 without notification or my permission

AcaiBerry Detox
Website stated FREE TRIAL just had to pay shipping and handling. They lied & stole my money!

Colon cleanse 3000

LLCOOKISA 30-Day Free Trial Scam

30-Day Free Trial Offer Scam