Amercan Generial life ins
Consumer Report


I had that insure for along timm, 10.000 f0r my children and 23.000 for me. The payment was 136.00 wver the months an was paying 136.00 every month for a year. But they said that i still owed them. I aontacted the insurance commisher abd sent the all my papper work and they said that i still owed the insurance co. Which was last Aug., at that time they said pay the 138.00 starting aug. First las year and idid the nest payment was to be payed in vovember, Iwent to pay the and they could not take my money but could not take money. They said they would call me to let me know what what was going on and they never did and they did not re turn any of m phone calls. I call thir home office to cash in the insurance in fear of losing all my money.

Company: Amercan Generial life ins
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
ZIP: 77210
Address: P.O. Box 4373
Phone: 8002313655
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