Cyvita, LLC
Consumer Report


I tried the company's trial offer and the pills did nothing for me, so I called to cancel any further shipments of these useless pills. The shipping date the cusomer service rep said was 8/10. The instructions I received said they would send me a 90 day supply unless I called 800-968-1387 to cancel which I did on 8/22 which was within the 12 days, but the customer service rep said the 90 day supply was already in shipment. I told her that I called within the 12 days but she said she could not stop the shipment.
I called again just now at 6:45 am CST on 8/23 and they were closed when they should have been open (their info said they open at 5 am PST. Their recorded message says to go to their website and click on "customer service". I did. There is no place on the website that shows "customer service'. I am convinced this is a SCAM!

Company: Cyvita, LLC
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Reno
ZIP: 89502
Address: 4910 Longley Ln, Ste 101
Phone: 8009442810, 8009681387
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Cyvita, LLC
Consumer Report

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