Consumer Report


On 072212 a charge against my AMEX card was made for $19.95. This happened twice last month and I got the credit card to correct it but I also thought that I cancell any contact with Experian. Apparently that didn't happen. This is a time consumming problem not to mention a costly one. These people ought to be put out of business and perhaps behind bars.

Company: Experian
Country: USA
State: California
City: Costa Mesa
ZIP: 92626
Address: 475 Anton Blvd. Bldg D
Phone: 7148307000, 8883973742
Site: experian.com
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Will not correct errors in your crdit file and they sell your information to third parties per Chrisha

Experian CreditReport
Consumer Report

Experian *freecreinfofcr.com ca infofcr.com
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Experian CreditReport
Consumer Report

Experian CreditReport
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Experian Information Solutions
Experian Credit Reporting - Ripoff Deceptive Advertising

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Experian Triple advantage rip off Experian

Experian Credit Report
Consumer Report

Experian CreditReport
Consumer Report