Hasdship center
Consumer Report


Daniell Keller sent promising paperwork to cut the mortgage in half reduce the interest rate and a bunch of other crap. All he does is pray on the desperate people and take advantage. I made complaints to my bank and they wanted to see a police report and until today I havent recovered any of my money back

Company: Hasdship center
Country: USA
State: California
City: Costa Mesa
ZIP: 92627
Address: 2458 Newport Blvd., Suite 205
Phone: 8005160584
Site: hardshipcenter.com
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Embrace homeloans
Diane Marie Vutech Removed my Insurance and Real Estate Tax Bill

Hardship Center
Daniel Keller mortgage modification, debt settlement

Precision law center/Peter Ohm
Company took money to reduce mortgage interest, monthly payment, no contact after information sent

Mbna America
Cheap excuses to reduce credit line and increase interest rate on card., DE

Spirit Financial
Spirit rip me off, promising to lower my monthly payment and interest rate. Sent them money for ne results

Home Guardian Solutions
HGS stole our money for loan modification process they promised to process for us

Integris Support Systems
Consumer Report

EMC Mortgage Corp
Never followed through with modification, then sold my mortgage, uping my payment and interest rate

Americas Servicing Company - Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Interest rate increase ripoff, went up to 9% from a 6.2% loan

Ameriquest Mortgage
Ripoff business from hell