Officer Kelvin Schmidt
Kathy Hill, from New York Bank, and John Parker "Officer Kelvin Schmidt, Kathy Hill and John Parker" all scammed me with a government grant


"Officer Kelvin Schmidt, Government Insurance manager John Parker and New York bank manager Kathy Hill all are apart of scamming me out of well over $700. All started with a call from (202) 609-7042 which was made by Kelvin Schmidt. He very convincingly told me that I have become eligable for a once in a lifetime government grant of $8,400.00 USD. I immediately said no way! What's the catch?! This sounds to good to be true, etc. The next step was to go to my nearest Western Union store and pay small "charity" (so they said) of $210.00 USD to a foreign country of my choice. I saved all the forms and reciepts. After that was completed I then got transfered to "New York Bank Manager Kathy Hill" who told me that I just needed to pay a "security deposit" of $499.00 USD and I would get re-embursed and then I would get my "government grant of $8,899.00 USD" transfered to my account. I waited the hour they said it would take to be able to see the money in my account... But of course I had just realized that I had been a victum of a SCAM. They were all extremely convincing, I feel that I got caught up with how great it all sounded and was in desperate need of the money for I owed some friends money and have about $3,000 of debt so I got rapped up into their SCAM. They took advantage of me, I feel horrible and my anger slowly is going away now that I am reporting this so that hopefully nobody else suffers what I did. I want them to suffer consequences of some sort. I want justice to be served. If anyone can help me in anyway I would of course appreciate and welcome it.

Company: Officer Kelvin Schmidt
Country: USA
State: Washington DC
City: Washington DC
Address: Washington DC
Phone: 2026097042646651
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U. S Government Grants
Consumer Report

Federal Bank of New York
Consumer Report

Kelvin G/head Of Sales Department For Tricell Inc (claimed)
Kelvin G/head Of Sales Department For Tricell Inc claimed, Cristian giving false statement/sent fake website/claim to work for tricell inc/give personal bank acc to customers, not tricell inc Uk, london

Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Consumer Report

US Government Grant Department/US Federal Bank
Consumer Report they want me to pay them cash to receive a government free grant

Federal Reserve Bank
Peter Smith - Nick Parker - Mark Wilson - Calvin Smith they promised me a government grant but charged me fees

Advantage America
Ripoff, caller said I had a Government grant for $12,500.00 If I gave my bank info. And 49.95 I said I had no bank acc

Schmidt Llc
Schmidt re: final notification $200,000.00usd

Mike johnson (202-609-7749)
CALVIN SMITH (202-609-7042) They promised me a grant money for $9874.00 and I had to pay $700.00 to activate it but I had to send it western union t o individuals they required but the money would be reimbust on the grant. Phone