Just Answer
Multiple Unauthorized Charges


In April I contacted JustAnswer about a legal question. The answer was not of the rocket science variety. They charge me 38. Then they started to charge me 68 for a subscription. I contacted them and they refunded one month and gave me a free month. Which I was afraid to use, lol.
I found out they had once again started to charge me when I got a surprise at the grocery store of all places. The reason why I contacted them in the first place was in reference to an employment problem as I had be fired. Still unemployed and this caused me to be overdrawn. Could not pay my cell bill and if I did not recently sign on with Skype, I would not be able to keep in contact with people.

What if I needed to get gas and couldn't with no cell phone to call anyone? What a crock. Frustration is the best adjective to describe how I feel about this situation. Being ripped off is one thing but being overdrawn because of it is another.

Called the 1 888 # and the lady said the reason this happened was that I subscribed. But I told her I had cancelled. But she is right you give them an inch they take a mile.

Its like letting someone in your house in February and you come home in July to see them making themselves at home on your couch with a sandwich and a remote. Just because you were allowed into my home once, does not give you the prerogative to show up whenever you like.

Company: Just Answer
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Francisco
Address: PO Box 29045
Site: justanswer.com
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Didn't answer difficult question, cancelled subscription instead!

Unauthorized charges

Voice Stream

JustAnswer gave NO answer but charged my account anyway!

Placed unauthorized charges on my bill and lied when they said they would remove them

Unauthorized Charge to my Cell Phone Bill

Preferred shoppers edg
Unauthorized charges on bank statement

Unauthorized charge on mobile bill Internet

MCI wireless cell phone
Charged two numbers when have one scam

Customer Service - Phone service