One Web Direct Bill
Fraudulently billed my elderly mother. It's a scam. Help!


My mother received a bill today from One Web Direct Bill (billing solutions for pay per view wevsite) for $30 for a LD call made to the UK on 9/9/04. (#44 xxx xxx 84) This is impossible as her name isn't even on the landline phone bill at the house and she could not have signed up on the computer as she is computer challenged.

How they got her information is beyond me since we have no reason to make any calls to the UK. They threaten to send you to collections if you don't pay.

When I called the number it must have been a number from the east coast as they were closed when I call from California at 2:30pm. I looked up the web address and got here. So here I am writing in along with the others that were affected by this scam.

She and no one else that resides here to our knowledge agreed or consented to this service. If there are any attorneys out there that reads this or maybe this has happened to you please write in or contact to contact me. I am not sure how to stop these false charges but this is really scary that it happened to us along with others.

Sounds like a class action lawsuit with the right legal team needs to happen. Someone who is computer savey and knows how to deal with fraudulent cases such as this.

The only thing I can do is write and mail in a complaint. The address for that is "P.O. Box 10428, Beford NH 03110" for refunds or disputes. This address is different for the Dallas TX address to send the check too. Anyone out there please help.

Company: One Web Direct Bill
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: P.O. Box 612608
Phone: 8005509958
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