Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report


I signed myself and my two daughters up. I became unemployed in Feb and a friend told me about this Hobo Prince Economic Plan. I was skeptical, but thought what the heck, for $25, if its true, you cant beat it. I went to the website supplied and signed in. I have never received any book. I did receive an email saying they received my contract and payment, and was in the project. We never recieved a hard copy or electronic copy of this book, that I am hearing about now. So I would like to file a complaint against this Shelby Bell and B'rio Transports. They promised a lot, and I have received nothing, not the computer, not the 10K bonus, and not the $900 a week. I feel that we should be compensated in some way, even if he had sent the computers or Ipad, etc, would have been something. But to take our money and go to dinners, movies, etc. That isnt right. We need a class action lawsuit. This is when I say people should be banished to an island of derelects, and let happen what may. He may think he is hard, but I fear he would be crying like a little girl.

Company: Hobo Prince Economic Project
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
ZIP: 97217
Address: 700 N. Hayden Island Dr., Suite 297
Phone: 5032083962
Site: hoboprince.com
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Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Be-rio.info Shelby "Saku" Bell is a fraud and a scam

Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report