Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report


I joined the Hobo prince project in January at the advice of a dear friend. I agree with another statement written on Apr 5; The media will hype things up for their own ratings, and make someone who may be attempting to help others, appear as though they are the bad guy.
Nobody has lost anything yet, and if my only worry was losing $25 in my lifetime, well, that's a no-brainer! I don't see a lot of media attempting to find out who cheated everyone out of billions of dollars for the last three years or doing anything about that.

Usually the people who blow the whistle and haven't gotten the instant gratification of receiving thousands of dollars overnight want to immediately bring that person down, and they have probably spent $25 or more on some famous person's shoes, perfume, purse, pay per view, etc. WE have all had something taken from us over the years from banks, school loans, taxes. So what's the difference? There are many Ponzie schemes. The majority of which we have lived with for hundreds of years saying they are "legitimate", or "the government said".., or "my doctor told me"... Look where we are!!!

Let's wait and see if just maybe, there is a miracle of receiving cash from a kind person. I haven't noticed any of the big lottery multi-millionaire winners giving away money one time to thousands of people, let alone for seven years so that you could get ahead; nor have I seen any of the billionaires giving huge amounts of money to large groups of people individually. Everyone is attempting to get as much as they can! Where is all of that money going? Certainly not in your pockets!
In the next few weeks we will see. And if by chance it is a true story that someone could be that kind, Bless Shelby Bell! If it is not true. That's his Karma, and our Karma to learn from these experiences. Works both ways!!!

Company: Hobo Prince Economic Project
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
ZIP: 97217
Address: 700 N. Hayden Island Dr., Suite 297
Phone: 5032083962
Site: hoboprince.com
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Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Be-rio.info Shelby "Saku" Bell is a fraud and a scam

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report

Hobo Prince Economic Project
Consumer Report