Michael Eads/Beacon Upholstery employee
Consumer Report


Beacon Upholstery referred this man out to give me quotes for work I wanted done in my home. He scams you by saying he can beat their price and does the same work. His quotes I found out are overpriced for less than average work. He plays on your intelligence by telling you he will knock $/hundreds of dollars off your total if you give him more of the balance, and then doesn't show up or provide quality craftsmanship. Beacon denies having dealings with guy for months but he was in my home from a call a I made to their organization, someone is going to be held accountable for these tactics and should face legal consequences. He is an elderly caucasian and tells you he needs the cashflow and every conversations ends with "God Bless You Dear." If he tells you he's acting unethical believe it he might be about to take you for a large amount of money and you will have nothing but a cashed check and a memory of someone who has perfected scamming behavior and gets away with your money, before you can implement legal options. He may reside in a senior community like Sun City, AZ shares that he has 7-9 adult kids (some of the boys will help him deliver the furniture back to your home) DON'T LET THEM IN... Check people out on the internet where I found him under ripoff.com. I'm so devastated by this actions at a time like this... What a despicable unacceptable human being.

Company: Michael Eads/Beacon Upholstery employee
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85009
Address: 2632 N. 37th Drive #3
Phone: 6022570111
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