Beacon Institute For Learning
Took the money and ran

Education & Science

In March of I signed up for 2 courses with the Beacon Institute for Learning. I paid almost $7K through an education loan with Sallie Mae Financial. Beacon Institute was located in the Fashion Mall in Plantation, FL, 2nd floor. The first course was A, and I completed the class in 4 Saturdays. When I went back to start the 2nd course for MCSE the following week, the storefront was empty and the mall business office told me that Beacon Institute had moved out and left no forwarding address. There were over 100 other students enrolled, all of whom had been bilked out of both an education and thousands of dollars.

I tried to contact Beacon Institute for months, but got nowhere. Then the collection calls started!

Since then, I have been harassed by more than 5 collection agencies and interest charges have pushed my balance up to over $14K. I refuse to pay for a product I did not receive, and have made an offer to settle, but have been rebuffed. I should not have to pay for the fraudulent partnership that Sallie Mae made with this scam organization (Beacon Institute).

Company: Beacon Institute For Learning
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Plantation
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