S.L. A Enterprise LLC
Consumer Report


This company has a charge of $9.90 (not much but I didn't authorize it) scheduled to be take from my checking account tomorrow. Very suspicious. After looking up the company name I realized it's all over the internet as a fraud. Thanks for the heads up so I could call the bank

Company: S.L. A Enterprise LLC
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85021-2460
Address: 334 W Hatcher Rd
Phone: 6026786611, 7862641526
  <     >  


Charged $31.98 to my checking account causing $35 overdraft. I don't this company and didn't authorize.internet

EDP Reporting
Last week $159.95 was taken from my checking account ripoff internet

10215 pos purchase 08/30 s.L. A enterprise llc 07862641526
Consumer Report

OAN Services, Inc
Phoneticom LLC Emergency Message System $14.95 added to my Frontier/Verizon phone bill. Never heard of the company, never authorised the charge. When the Heck did we start allowing our phone companies to bill us for others' services? Seem

BBU Interservices
Fraudently debited checking acct $29.95

555 Diet Challenge
Has fraudulently charged my personal bank account in the amount of $29.89

Enterprise rent a car
Enterprise made me miss my flight

Everprivate Card
Everprivatecardeverprivate Card This company tried to debit my checking account for $49.95 without my permission Ripoff Internet

Consumer Report

Fraudulent Checking Account Activity ripoff