Green Coffe Product Scottsdale AZ
Consumer Report


I did not authorize these people to take money out of my account and 159.97 was taken and I want it back. I don't know who these people or this company is all about but I would like to have my money put back into my account. Because of them my account is has a negative and my bank will be charging me for not having enough in the bank. I did not order this product at a price of 79.99 nor 79.98.

Company: Green Coffe Product Scottsdale AZ
Country: USA
State: Wyoming
City: Casper
ZIP: 82601
Address: 210 Nichols Ave
Phone: 8888910613, 6023267730
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Green Coffee Product Lipo Slim
Consumer Report

Money Plus Save
Consumer Report

Ibuildwealth Las Vegas
One day i am fine, the next my bank account is negative
Unauthorized charges

Pre-Paid Visa
Ripoff Withdrew $159.95 out of my checking account without authorization

Company is charging my account without permission and i recieve nothing, they said it was only 3.95
Over-charged my account double, never shipped item

Rip off my account without authorization

Consumer Report

Price Savers, Price Limbo, Extreme Acai Berry, Total Cleanse
Scammed! I have been signed up for various products and services, my bank account tapped, and getting the run around from all these companies... Here are some tips to get your money and life back