E2 Dating Site
Consumer Report


I am posting this on Face Book and Google to make others aware of your poor practices.

On the 26th of July I joined be2 dating. They offer a 5 dollar premium membership for one month. I thought what the heck.

After the one month trial is up they will automatically bill you thereafter for a 6 month membership fee of 179. CAD and continue to do so forever!

If you choose to cancel they make it impossible! You cannot do it through their website or by e-mail. You must either send a written letter via registered mail, to their head office which is in Zurich, 14 days prior to the end of the trial term. OR you may fax them.
If I had read all the complaints about this company prior I would not have signed up.

After only 4 days I received an e-mail from them telling me I need to cancel 14 days prior to the end of the trial period.in the mean time they blocked me from using the site. It appears I can only cancel via registered mail or fax.

At the same time they informed me that I currently have another account with them under a different name. Apparently, stupidly I opened it over a year ago. I have no recollection of signing up with them. They have been billing me 179.00 every 6 months ever since. I was shocked to learn that I already had an (trial premier) account with them. They have been automatically renewing me for over a year now. I suspect that they do not use "BE2" on the billing to my VISA. I will be blocking them on my VISA account.
The site does not allow you freedom to search their data base.instead you have rely on their choices for you, which are based on their (theoretical) scientific formula that they apply using the responses to their questionnaire. There is no place that you can describe yourself in your own words or have the freedom to choose who you want to communicate with.

What my biggest complaint is with them is the fact that they make it very difficult to cancel membership after joining. They not only automatically bill you for 6 months in advance but will continue to do so forever if and you may not be aware of it!!!

THERE OTTA BE A LAW against such sneaky billing practices.

I will send them a fax letter to cancel both accounts and hopefully that will be the end of it.

I'm sure that there are many people being scammed this way.

I do not recommend this site, buyer beware!!!

Company: E2 Dating Site
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Dover
ZIP: 19904-2778
Address: 874 Walker Road, Suite C
Phone: 5414511300
Site: be2.com
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Be2 llc
Consumer Report

WATCH OUT - Doing/paying for a search automatically starts a trial membership!

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