Consumer Report


Palm Loans have debited my acct. For 30.00 but I never took a loan from them I have contacted my bank and they are launching an ivestigation for fraud. Unfortunately now I have to go into my bank and reopen another account. Someone should start debiting there accounts.

Company: 866-789-3114
Country: USA
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Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances (866) 789-3114
Consumer Report

United Cash Loans
I borrowed 300.00 and have now paid back over 700.00 as a debit on my checking acct

Loans In 60 Seconds
Beware! This company uses multiple names, like uclip usave

Platinum Member Fortress.com/platinum Member Discount Services
Debited my bank acct. Without authorization & received returned check fees. I contacted the banks fraud unit for claim

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

United Cash Loan
Debited money from account, did not get the loan

200 Cash.com
The phone # is bogus automated only no one live to talkk 2 never got the loan but they keep debiting my acct how do WE STOP THESE PEOPLE I am trying to cancel any dealings with these people want them to stop debiting my checking acct