Western Sky
Consumer Report


Though I have avoided their TV ads in the past, I was in a financial jam and thought I'd apply for a small loan. Once approved, the rep told me that I qualified for $1500. They state that there are no fees involved, but I was told that I would only receive $1000 because they had to deduct a $500 processing fee right off the top! This was the first red flag. Then once the terms of repayment were discussed and agreed to, they emailed the repayment contract to me and asked that I sign and return online. I agreed to the paperwork because it indeed reflected what the rep told me the repayment terms would be. Suddenly after I hit the "submit" button, a whole new set of repayment terms showed up. When I called back in trying to get someone to explain this to me, no one could tell me anything and I was put on hold constantly. I IMMEDIATELY called my bank to ask that they reject the deposit once it comes through the following week. They said that they'd see, but doubted that they could. The rep finally called me back to say that the repayment amounts jumped in costs because they (Western Sky) were going to be granting me the funds that day (Fri 7/21) instead of the following Monday (7/23) Well, they should NOT sneak that in on the consumer. If I applied for the funds that day and they approved me, I should not be penalized (unknowingly) if they decided to reward the funds to me the exact day I applied. BUT, the funds were not made available to me that day because it was after the processing benchmark for my bank (2pm est). The funds were indeed made available after the weekend on the following business day (Mon the 23rd)!! I am just flabbergasted at the sneaky tactics these companies choose to invoke to scam struggling citizens in these economic times. It is just an atrocity. They approved me for $1500, gave me $1000, but want me to pay them back $1500 plus!!! What is wrong with this picture? They should be put out of business. It's like money-laundering!!! Please someone, give me the AG's office for that state and the Congressional contact for the appropriate committee in DC. This is just shameful! Of course they are getting their rewarded funds back!!

Company: Western Sky
Country: USA
State: South Dakota
City: Timber Lake
ZIP: 57656
Address: P.O. Box 370
Phone: 6058653311
Site: westernsky.com
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