Mark Allen Roach
Ripoff Unconvicted child molester, and and all around psycho dope addict


I met my wife in high school where we dated and eventually moved in together before heading off into the adult world. When I first met her I also met her mother and the gentleman that is her step father. Being a normally curious teenager I inquired as of to her real father at which she was really hesitant to talk.

It was only after a couple of years she told me that her parents had split when she was 2 and that she never saw her father again till she was 13. She told me he showed up out of the blue one day totlly unannounced as if he was never gone. She went on to tell they spent a few months visiting each other at her mothers as he did not have a place as of yet. (He had driven from central IN to eastern NC) At the end of the summer he asked her to move up to IN for the school year. She and her mother agree she would go and she did. She says at first everything was peachy and fun, but it all changed. She soon found out he was going off to court 2and 3 times a month. A friend she met in the neighborhood told her he had been arrested for doing things to an ex-girlfriends daughter.

Eventually, she started noticeing him watching her undress and he would come in the restroom while she was showering. She said he began removing the doors to the restroom and her bedroom, he said it was so he could keep an eye on her. Things graddually progressed with him taking her on dates normally in keeping with a romaticly involved couple. She also began spending time with a young man from her class which she says started him asking lots of sexual questions which she would not answer.

Eventuallly he used her "boyfriend" as an excuse to teach her the "right way to do it". After a couple of years of this she finally convinced him to take her home. She never heard from him again untill the year before last.

At this point we are married and have been together for 7 years. My father and I are working outside on my home when she receives a call from him totally out of thin air. She comes running outside completely distraught, screaming he's here he's in NC. We get her to calm down and we invite him to the house to chat. He arrives and things are ok, we go out to dinner as a sign of friendship. He stays in town for about 2 weeks in which we all spend quite a bit of time with him, things seem fine, he even apologizes for his absence.

Before leaving he invites my wife and I to his home for the summer, we accept and he says he we return in 2 weeks to travel up with us. My wife returns alone with him as I have an emergency I must tend to at work and am delayed by 2 weeks. The first week she is ther she calls me everynight and every morning, but the second he disconects the phone and shuts off his e service.

I get very upset and rush up to check things out. He apologizes saying the bills got behind because of his trip but later I find that this is a lie. To make a long story short we find out he is very ill and may not live much longer. We talk and decide to stay to help him for the rest of the year. I take a job in the town we are staying and we all begin splitting the bills and what not.

One day she comes to me and tells me he asked her a very inappropriate question. I chalk it up to stupidity and let it go. We stayed thru the summer and into thanksgiving with no incident other than the usual family squabbles untill one day he needs to go to a doctors appointment which I refused to drive him. He goes ballistic, pulls a smari sword on me and truly tries to kill me.

Needless to say we never spent another night in that house. We left under police supervision having to load all our belongings in our van and looking for a plce to stay. The man was so psycho he figured he would help himself to all the groceries I had bought for me and my wife.

If you ever meet him, steer clear, he will harm you in ways only to be imagined. I pray for his death daily. My wife is still trying to get over the loss of her biological father who until the thing with the sword she thought had truly changed. She was hoping for a life with him only to having her dreams destroyed in his prescription drug rage. Mark if you ever happen to see this, yes this was Larry and yes we will meet again and we will finish the battle you perverted dope addict. Mark Roach stays with his mother Mrs. Rose Roach in the town of Kokomo, Indiana. Just another crank head welching off his mothers withered ti*.

Company: Mark Allen Roach
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Kokomo
Address: 920 South Courtland Ave
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Alan oscar wargnier
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John E Lay
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Stevie B's Pizza
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Lancaster County Children And Youth, Lancaster County Courthouse, Ephrata Police Department
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Robert Glen Griggs
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Nc Cse
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Ryen J Swanson
Rjonswan rjon bruce swanson Purveyor Of Castigation And Child Alienation

Benjamin Alan Hartstack
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Robert J. Moran Jr
Born July 7,1978 Abusive, Liar, Dead Beat Dad, Adulterer, will not pay child support. Ripoff

Stepmother - Sharon Zoar
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