Phone Intel
Consumer Report


I paid 30.00 for a spyware and it was bs. Cant contact them or anything. And the email they send you that shows yr payment has been processed just goes away on its own. Good thing i printed it out. I never could get the thing to do what i wanted and thought it was just me not knowing what to do but it was the stupid company that was fake

Company: Phone Intel
Country: USA
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Intel Loans - Robert Simmons
Intel Loans Scam

First Regional 401 Centralized Returns
They printed off fake checks and they took money out of my account

Dedicated 2 spyware, 2 Spyware, Ugnius Kiguolis Drive by download virus website, caused an internet virus that destoryed computers

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I called the company and spoke with a so called representative. I explained I had a computer that wasn't working right. Next thing I know he lists my computer had a cracked screen

A Ripoff Website website

Consumer Report

1st National Card
Ripoff, they make you think its an actual credit card

Pro Antispyware 2009 By Pandora Software
Fake anti-spyware. Made me purchase software Internet

Ripoff Has Spyware built in even though the website says "no spyware"