Pro Antispyware 2009 By Pandora Software
Fake anti-spyware. Made me purchase software Internet

Internet & Web

I was surfing the web looking at my normal favorites when I noticed a small windo popup claiming my spyware was about to run out. They recommended me to checkout their product to see if I would be interested. I currently serve active duty in the US Army National Guard and was told to make sure we have current virus and spyware protection before our next delpoyment. I thought updating my spyware through "Pro Antispyware2009" would be worth a look.

What I found out was once you click on the site, spayware automatically shows up on the computer nad they say your computer is infected. They say by purchasing their product it will erase the issue. It just made matters worse.

I ended up calling Dell to clean my computer which cost me over $250.00. They told me this was an illegitamate company and that other Soldiers and civilians had similiar problems.

The "company" has left no contact info. I tried their "suppport" email and recieved no response. After trying numerous ways f contacting them I finally called my bank to cancel my devit card and to get reimbursed. This Bull-shit compnay already got my money. I have contacted the BBB as well as the US Army to kick the crap out of these f*ers.

These "people" have enough audacity to prey on Soldiers that are protecting their freedoms. They don't deserve freedoms any longer.

WaynePortland, Oregon

Company: Pro Antispyware 2009 By Pandora Software
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Dedicated 2 spyware, 2 Spyware, Ugnius Kiguolis Drive by download virus website, caused an internet virus that destoryed computers

Spyware Guard 2009
Fake Spyware, Virus, Extortion, Hijack Compute
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Vista AntiSpyware 2012
Consumer Report

Virus Bursters -
Holding computer hostage, ripoff

Pc Tools
SPYWARE DOCTOR poor software

PC Anti Spyware 2010
Product did not work

Antispyware 2008
Ad popped up and i could not close it unless i unplugged my computer and even still it was on there Moscow
Software is scam to make money, includes spyware.internet