Consumer Report


Ecieved unwanted tex message about winning a gift card from target for $500
this was not real 1. Was sent during the middle of night 2. I had not entered any contest. 3. It was related to a site getting my email address and phone number through unwanted and missrepresented information. BEWARE and be very carefull of any sites saying they are there to help you but in real life trying to get your information 5. Using a known company as bait to once again get more information. Target is a good company and after checking out there website could see that they have no knowledge or any contest so I did not go any further... I was suppose to put in tthj.Biz/? Claimd=111 after web sit or in the address and the a code number... I did not target has had no contest this is another ploy to get information watch out... Please check this persons phone number and tell them not to bother people anymore... Thanks

Company: 17165489108
Country: USA
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Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contest. Con
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

(612) 741-7271
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Consumer Report