Consumer Report


Bought product online. They took my money but never sent the product. I called them on it & they said they had to confirm the address & phone number that I gave them when I placed the order. That was weird because I called after waiting three weeks & at no time did they bother to call me.

This product might be a total scam or be oK but they just have backed up orders.

None the less, I don't like being lied to. And I don't like someone trying to blow smoke up my a— either.

I suggest that yoo do not but this product without a confirmed ship date. This is a total bummer because it looked like a good product.

Company: Nutribullet
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
ZIP: 90025
Address: 11755 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1150
Phone: 3109967200, 8553468874
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The company will not ship the product until you buy the warranty or insurance

Process From Home A Penbrook Productions Company
Angela Penbrook Not a Legitimate Business Opportunity


Sonic Cameras
False Marketing attempts to deceive buyers and not deliver intended products

Aloha Travel - Barbra Williams
Aloha Travel (Barbra Williams) takes deposit but doesn't book trip for 4 months, doesn't return calls! Ripoff!

Pizza Hut
Ripoff they finally get rid of the old broad fired after 5 yrs

Premium One
Ripoff - Took $239 from checking account without permission

Resveratrol Ultra
If I didn't notify sender, they would auto-ship product

Total Cleanse
Unauthorized billing

Global Life Inc / Global Life Enhancements / Herbal Smoke Shop Sent me awful product