Consumer Report


I ordered a Trial of Somnapure with free shipping and handling and used my credit card. I got a notice from my bank that I have been charged 201.35 with another transaction pending from this company.in the first place I didn't authorize the use of my card, I didn't order another shipment, and when I contacted the company they couldn't give me a tracking number. Then they told me I had recieved the other shipments, which I didn't. They also told me I had to read instructions on how to cancel these shipments. What instructions? And if I order a TRIAL of something, isn't that a one time order? And isn't that unauthorized use of a credit card? Something needs to be done about these companies that just look for ways to rip off consumers!!! I work hard for my money and just because these companies get your card number and are authorized use one time, they lack the honesty and intergitory to do just that, one time use! All it is is robbery online. I'm really upset by this.

Company: FCF*PKL Somna
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Chattanooga
ZIP: 37416
Address: BP 3, 4309 Distribution Drive
Phone: 8778693304
Site: somnapure.com
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One Call Communications / Usbi

Colon Cure
Sent 2 shipments and charged my credit card even after I cancelled!

Opportunities Unlimited Publications OPP Mail Preference Service, Few More Names
Opportunities Unlimited Publications ripoff

Peak Life
Somna Pure SomnaPure charges you 4.99 for shipping for a free sample, then charges your credit card again

Berkeley Pharmaceuticals
Ripoff, unauthorized charges to credit card

My cellan
My coleanse charged my credit, received no trial offe

Palma Mallorc
Charged my Checking account numerous times ripoff

CIC Credit Monitor Service
Unauthorized charges on my account ripoff


Acaiberry Detox
Fwn RIP OFF called me after purchasing the 3.95 trial, I cancelled with them on phone, then continued to charge my credit card 79.95 month