Community Reading Club CRC Of Deerfield Beach
CRC Of Deerfield Beach Ripoff unethical sales pitch, will not cancel


The sales person said he was just going to take a survey.
Then he told me the deal and offered a trial period. Then he asked I if had anny credit cards. He asked me what kind? Then asked for the last numbers on the card.
Then asked for the whole thing.

When I asked some questions, he said I could cancel at any time. I agreed.

When I called to cancel a month later, the rep said I am LOCKED in for 3 years. I could pay monthly or all at once. No other options!

I too do not get all my magazines.

Company: Community Reading Club CRC Of Deerfield Beach
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Pompano Beach
Address: Pobox 666840
Phone: 8007897101
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Consumer Report

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Screwed me ove