Allied-barton Security Services
Corruption and coverup of improper behavior of managers and supervisors by Allied-Barton officials in


I was not the typical Allied-Barton supervisor. I cared about the officers and I supported and helped them at all times. I would make sure that they were comfortable and had adequate work materials. I would vouch for them when the client had concerns. I was a 22 year veteran of the company who saw everything imaginable, from the ridiculous to the sublime. Yet I remained professional and of high integrity despite the level of honor, or lac thereof, of the persons that I encountered, be it management or employees.

I was never late, never called off, had an exemplary record and was a 5 star Master Security Officer. I was named a shift supervisor at the UPS account in Atlanta after being a site supervisor of an account that was underbid from Allied-Barton. The account manager, Rick Stover, resented me from the outset since I was forced on him and my professionalism made his laziness apparent. Employees at UPS as well as Allied-Barton felt that I was better suited to be the manager yet I never responded to their statements.

Stover made his dislike evident by rarely speaking to me and by placing me in precarious situatons. He never trained me for one second on anything at UPS: I was given a tour by a supervisor and I had to trin myself on the job. I did so and successfully. Stover hoped that I would either fail or request a transfer yet I was the best supervisor who ever worked on the site as many clamied.

Since I was a people-oriented supervisor, some would talk with me and share their life stories. A black woman in her early sixties would try to tell me the gossip as to who was sleeping with whom and so forth, ending her gossp with "Don't tell anyone about this". I informed her that I didn't egage in gossip yet she persisted.

In January she hinted/gossiped that someone young enough to be her grandson had a crush on her and had sent her a text. I inquired as to who it was since that description fit the bill of 4 20-somethin males at the account. She refused to say who it was and when I asked if she was baing harrassed she stated "NO NO NO. You cant tell ANYONE, not Rick NOBODY! I'm telling you this as a freind. I don't want any mess to come to me!"

There was no allegation of harassment, no name, nothing. If the woman had made a claim then I could have gone past Stover yet she revealed nothing. It was just like any other gossip that she had spoken only this time she revealed nothing.

On Friday, April 20 she told me that on the previous day that Stover had denied her a restroom break, which was a violation of OSHA rules. He had sent a note via the first shift supervisor, a 21 year old male with 5 months experience who Stover had promoted over me. She said that she had cried in the restroom after being made to wait until her shift ended. She was found by a UPS worker who she reported the harrassment the claim she stated that the first shift supervisor had sexually harassed her with text messages and references to how well endowed he was. This was reported to the highest levels of UPS and she stated to the woman who asked if she had told anyone and she stated that she had told me.

She had told me nothing more than gossip and innuendo. I asked her to make a claim and she refused, citing a fear of retaliation by Stover and Allied-Barton. I thought nothing of the situation since it only involved me incidentally. No claims were made to me and I was not the alleged harrasser.

That Friday afternoon of April 20th, Stover called me 5 times. When I finally returned his call he stated that the employee had complained to UPS instead of Allied-Barton and that someone was messing with her. She had stated that she had told me. I stated the facts as were revealed, which was relatively nothing. Stover requested that I write a report and hide it in his desk so no one but him could see it. My weekend was ruined yet I complied.

On Monday it was clear that Stover and Allied Barton was under fire from UPS. He was on the phone constantly that day. He didn't question me or say anything about my report. The report basically stated that the officer had made statements which were circumstantial yet it included facts of the supervisor avoiding her starting shortly after the beginning of the year. Stover said nothing on Tuesday. On Wednesday he stated that LaWanda Brown of personell wanted to meet with me on Thursday. The shocking thing was that the alleged harrasser had not been removed! I was mde to meet with Brown at the office and the perpetrator was not approached. Maybe they need evidence from me to remove him, I thought. Still, why was I made to go to the office? Brown and Stover had interviewed te woman on that Friday at UPS. The request to meet Brown came via call from Stover at 9:30 pm! Surely he knew this FAR in advance of 9:30?

That Thursday I awakened and wrote a synopsis of what I knew and e-mailed Brown. I told her via voiccemail thatI had errands to perform but I would be back at 2 pm. When I arrived there was a terse message from Brown:

"mr % do not go back to ups! You need to come here and talk with me and the district manager!"

I could not believe it! They were making me the fall guy! UPS was threatening to revoke the contract and to make it look like the "problem" was solved, they removed me to placate UPS! Somone's head had to roll and to prevent a scandal they made me the scapegoat and sacrificial lamb. I demanded to see the District Manager and Brown stated that it would only be possible on that Friday. The meeting was a do-and-pony show where it was clear that Brown and Stover had conspired to place the blame on me.

Brown had prepared a "Final Termination Notice", skippng three levels of reprimand to make my removal legitimate. No reprimand in 22 years and they fabricated one out of thin air! Nothing was told to me, no claims whatsoever yet I was removed and the harasser remained on the same shift with the woman!

After protesting to the national office, the regional HR director looked at the evidence and stated that I should be reinstated as a supervisor yet I could not go back to UPS! They promised me a supervisor position and THEN reneged by not aswering my phone calls, not providing work for 53 days until I received a Separation Notice on June 9th citing the reason for the separation as "Lack of Work"!

Company: Allied-barton Security Services
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: 1438 W. Peachtree St. NW Ste 100
Phone: 4048981685
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